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Let's Be Treasonable!

Aug 12, 2017

On this week's episode of 'Let's Be Treasonable,' Cognitive Dissidents Jim Coughlin, Erika Schickel, 'The Black Voice of Reason' Tymon Shipp, and Dr. David Robinson talk about the white supremacists marching in Virginia, and how the Republican Party embraces the hate until it turns on them; Trump lashing out at America's enemies - specifically North Korea, Venezuela, and Mitch McConnell; Walking the line between "this is not normal" and "This is where we live now;" and an argument on why monuments to Confederates and other traitors should stay where they are! All that and a 'Burst of Durst' from five-time Emmy nominee Will Durst, and you've got yourself your weekly dose of newsy infotainment! Get dosed!