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Let's Be Treasonable!

Feb 29, 2020

I'm not saying the nation has been "dumbed-down" since Donald Trump has been occupying the White House, I'm just saying I don't remember the last time America needed a class in remedial hand-washing. As the administration seems more interested in preventing the spread of information than preventing the spread...

Feb 23, 2020

As the Trump Administration ramps up its battle against intelligence, the Democratic primaries continue under a cloud of Russian interference and Facebook’s admission that their failure to purge the site of fake news is largely due to Conservatives’ inability to recognize it as actually being fake....

Feb 9, 2020

As a corrupt Senate turns a blind eye to a criminal President, Susan Collins is concerned! Why, I hear she may even be disappointed... which hopefully will lead to her being upset... in November's election, anyway. Working to keep you from becoming upset, Cognitive Dissidents Liz Stewart, Amy Witry, "The Black Voice of...

Feb 2, 2020

It was a nation of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy… And now, how abhorred in my imagination it is. But there's still hope... sorta. Honoring the show's third anniversary, LBT's original crew of Cognitive Dissidents Erika Schickel, Jim Coughlin, "The Black Voice of Reason" Tymon Shipp, and Dr. David...