Jun 30, 2019
The week came in like Mueller agreeing to testify, and went out like the ACLU putting the kibosh on Trump’s wall. In between? Oy. Debates, horrible SCOTUS decisions, and Trump sucking up to his boss at The Kremlin by dissing the Constitution. It’s the kind of craziness that’s best addressed by Cognitive Dissidents...
Jun 23, 2019
Ending the week on the verge of war with Iran almost makes you forget that the week began with (alleged) serial rapist Donald Trump’s disastrous interview with George Stephanopoulos. Fortunately Cognitive Dissidents Jim Coughlin, Katie Massa Kennedy, “The Black Voice of Reason” Tymon Shipp, and Dr. David Robinson...
Jun 16, 2019
For the last 2 1/2 years, or so, Let’s Be Treasonable has filled your prescription for newsy infotainment with (nearly) weekly dosages! Celebrating our 100th episode, Cognitive Dissidents Erika Schickel, Liz Stewart, “The Black Voice of Reason” Tymon Shipp, and Dr. David Robinson are in the studio looking back at...
Jun 9, 2019
Distraction is key to most cons. Like, if you don’t want people to see you destroying historical alliances, societal and Presidential norms, or America’s standing in the eyes of the world, you threaten Mexico with insane tariffs. And he might’ve gotten away with it, if not for those meddling Cognitive...
Jun 2, 2019
While we wait to see who will beat Trump, Robert Mueller is still beating around the bush. Meanwhile, the Trump Administration continues on their quest to dismantle our democracy through trade wars, census rigging, and opposing both choice and life. Fortunately, Cognitive Dissidents Jim Coughlin, “The Black Voice...